Contact Us

Send us your mails to is a free service to assist our youth to find Marriage partners within the Parsi - Zarthosthi community since 2011.

We encourage our applicants to know the other person and not make quick decisions.

We consider that while our introductions are arranged, marriages are not !

The results have been encouraging which we would like to share with you.
  • 1. 286 applicants got married within our community through
  • 2. Sadly 7 females and 5 male applicants married outside and were lost to the community.

Telephone Hotline Service

We have a Telephone Hotline to improve and personalise our services. If you wish to speak to us, please mail us your telephone no at our address and we will call back as soon as possible.


As you are aware, we are working without any charges. That makes it difficult to advertise the site in any paid magazines or Google.
Please publicize this site by downloading and printing our advertisement and displaying it in the notice board of your Agiaries, Baugs and Dharamshala.
(For downloading the Ad: Click the advertisement link above. It will open in a new window. Right click the Ad and save it in your PC and then print the file.)
We look forward to receiving your communications by emails. Do let us know how we can improve our site.

Chaalokaajkariye Team