Frequently Asked Questions

What is is a Free Matrimonial Service for Parsis and Zoroastrians.
We encourage our applicants to know the other person and not make quick decisions.
We consider that while our introductions are arranged, marriages are not !

Who can apply?

What are the Charges?

This service comes to you FREE OF COST. This is a pure voluntary effort.

How this will work?

To maintain an element of privacy, certain steps have been built in.
  • 1. You will fill in the Online Registration Form. You may also upload your photograph & submit it.
  • 2. On submission, you will receive an email giving your Profile ID / Registration No. Where you have to verify your Email on the CLICK HERE link in the email.
  • 3. If we find that the profile meets the norms, we will authorize your profile.
  • 4. One your profile is authorised, you will receive a confirmation for the same through email.
  • 5. You can now login in to the site with your mobile number and Password. Now you can search Profiles directly by clicking the link "Profiles" in the site.
  • 6. You can interact with other profiles by Sending Interest Request.
  • 7. Other profiles can also contact you by sending their interest request which you will receive in your Dashboard as Received Requests.
  • 8. Once parties show interest, the full profile is visible.
  • 9. Your Dashboard has following links on which you can act: Check Received Requests
    Check Sent Requests
    Check New Profiles
    View/Edit Your Profile
    Modify Your Email
    Remove my Profile from

    The process is designed to keep the matchmaking discrete.

How important is it to upload Photographs?

It is very important. A photograph is an extension of your personality. If you are serious about getting a suitable mate, you must upload your photo. At the website, it provides a bond and motivates and encourages us.

What is the Guarantee that there will be no subsequent problems in the marriage?

Like all things Human, we can also fail. A successful marriage is in the hands of Ahura Mazda and of the efforts of the couples themselves.
It is the duty of the applicants to verify all the claims of the opposite side, check compatibility and do due diligence before tying the knot.
We are merely facilitators and at no point do we agree to take any responsibility for an improper match.

Can I help the matchmaking process?

You can definitely help. The more bio data’s we have in our files, the more chances that we can find a suitable match for you.
Publicize the website to your friends thru word of mouth.
Take a Printout of the Chaalokaajkariye advertisement (See "Contact Us" page) and place it on the notice boards of your Agiary, Colonies, Buildings and Dharamshala Notice Boards.

Request Zorastrian Periodicals to publish the advertisement Free of Cost.

How can we help the match making process?

Once you are engaged, you should immediately delete your profile.

What happens once we get engaged thru your efforts?

Nothing could be sweeter than that! We would love to hear that from you.
If you like, you can both send us your wedding invitation!

Who are the promoters of “Chaalo Kaaj Kariye”?

This is a joint effort of Cyrus Engineer and Veera Mavalwala, two concerned Zarthostis from New Delhi.

What are the limitations of this Program / Website?

The Promoters of this website are only facilitating the Matchmaking process and bringing together Parsi / Zarthosti Boys & Girls and Ladies & Gentlemen together.
There is no method of verifying the information provided by the applicants.
They do not take any responsibility whatsoever for the authentication and verification of the identity or the information provided by the applicants or any consequences thereafter leading to legal, fraud, Losses, Damages, Reputation loss, Divorce, Litigation, etc., resulting from any interaction with the website and its owners.

I am a bit confused. Can I speak to your counselor (Website) directly?

Yes, we now provide a telephone facility. For security reasons, we have not placed our Tel no on the internet. All you need to do is to send an email to giving your Name and Mobile no. and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Registered applicants can also get in touch with our counselor for any issue they need to discuss in the same manner.